- © HHV Staffing, A Division of HardHat Ventures LLC, All rights reserved.
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HHV Staffing was originally our in house staffing department. We were in the construction business and found that we were able to get higher quality work out of fewer staff than much of our competition. We also had much higher contractor retention. We were slow to hire and only brought on contractors who wanted to work and liked the way we did things, and had some relevant experience and excellent references. When we found good contractors, we took care of them. We had a surplus of qualified candidates so we started staffing for other GCs and skilled trades. We've just recently started working in other industries outside of construction and are having the same kinds of success. Our approach is to really match candidates with a job that matches not just their skillset but also is a good cultural fit. The primary reason people work is for a paycheck, but they want job satisfaction and that varies from candiate to candidate just like company culture varies from business to business and team to team. We strive to provide our client employers with the best workers to meet their needs and increase their bottom line, and to put our job seeking candidates in a position where they really can contribute and get personal satisfaction while providing value to their employer. We really focus on win-win engagements.
If you'd like to learn more or are ready to work with us, email us at the appropriate address below: